Monday, December 12, 2011

How many Republicans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

1. One to deny that the light bulb needs to be changed.

2. One to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the light bulb needs to

be changed.

3. One to blame Clinton for burning out the light bulb.

4. One to tell the nations of the world that they are either for changing

the light bulb or they are for darkness.

5. One to give a billion dollar no bid contract to Halliburton for a new

light bulb.

6. One to arrange a photograph of Bush dressed as a janitor standing on a

step ladder under a huge banner:' Light bulb change accomplished!';

7. One administration insider to resign and write about documenting in

detail how Bush was literally in the dark.

8. One to viciously smear number 7.

9 One surrogate to campaign on TV and at rallies on how George Bush has

had a strong light-bulb-changing policy all along.

10. And finally one to confuse the American people about the difference

between screwing a light bulb and screwing the country

11. Four hundred and sixty two: Twelve to investigate Clinton's involvement in the failure of the old bulb; twenty-three to deregulate the light bulb industry; sixteen to cut funding for alternative lighting R%26amp;D; thirty-four to cut the tax rate on light bulbs; fifty-three to design a block grant so the states can change the bulb; forty-one to talk with defense contractors about night-vision gear instead of light bulbs; and two hundred eighty-three to pass a law making it illegal to discuss naked bulbs (or screwing anything) on the Internet.How many Republicans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
that all of themHow many Republicans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
I like it. Haha.
12. An extra to blame it all on the Democrats.
GREAT one! Thanks very much. Here is another:


President Hillary Clinton today announced that American troops will begin immediately withdrawing from Iraq. She added that any country which interfered with such withdrawal or put American troops in harms way would face total destruction from atomic bombs. This news was greeted with cheers all over America as it took a woman to find the solution to the Iraq fiasco. Her husband Bill was asked by a commentator for his take on the latest action. He replied with a wink, “I always thought there should be more women in the Oval Office.”
hi there hows life treatin ya????
None because the democrats have stole the light bulb.
if it is a guy it takes only one, a guy will screw anything.
Not funny!
I like naked light bulbs, they are sexy.
I got this one in an email a couple weeks ago, still funny. Only two more years then the idiot is out.
None..We hire poor Democrats to do our useless work
I've screwed in some odd places - but never in a light bulb!
I disagree....

It doesn't take any.

They have illegal ';help'; for that.
wow you have a lot of time on your hands...but at least you use it wisely! Very Funny
That was pretty damn funny. Thanks for making my day.
That's awesome. Well done!
you should be published. if this is an original. nice job
None. They use illegal aliens whom they underpay to do the work.
hey, guys will not screw anything! I myself have passed on several skanky-ho's in my lifetime.
HAHAHAHAHA, very funny stuff.

Cons suck.
one.because we are smart unlike demmyz.
Thank God for Republicans, they ended slavery in the US and will stand to fight terror anywhere.
You've just been reported.

Why the hell can't people express their own viewpoints WITHOUT being needlessly insulting to people whose viewpoints vary from theirs?
At least they wouldn't have to raise our taxes to do it like the Tax n' Spend Democrankies would
None, we make democrats do it for us.
That is a good cut and paste is very funny though.
Funniest thing I've seen in a while, thank you!!!
I thought it was just one, to hold the light bulb while the world revolved around them.
Typical Dem.... nothing better to do with your time, but, waste it on nothing that has to do with the problems at hand, now if that isnt walking in ';ole Bills shoes';, then I dont know what is..

Just ask Monica!!
0, they like being in the dark
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